
Posts Tagged ‘Online dating service’

It’s Flirtology hump day! This Wednesday we will be looking at one of my fav pet hates, internet dating! As some of you know, I have written many posts, depicting why internet dating is the devil’s spawn (too much?). Besides the fact that the people you are meeting online are connected to no one in particular, and don’t have the ‘vouched-for’ factor, there are other reasons online dating doesn’t work. The questions are not right for matching people and, therefore, the algorithms are incorrect. Fortunately, a very smart woman, named Amy Webb, used her mathematical skills to create algorithms that do work. If you have a spare 17 minutes, I suggest you watch this. It’s brilliant and it has a happy ending…

How I Hacked Online Dating

Have you had any success with online dating?

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Another boring Wednesday, another Flirtology hump day to the rescue!

Recently, a client of mine went on a date. She didn’t just bring her ‘A-game’, she also brought a long list of expectations. These were expectations about how she hoped her date would act, how the date would go, and what would happen at the next stage. This was all before even meeting the guy. Do you know what? She came home disappointed. Nothing went as she had ‘planned’. Does this sound familiar? For example, perhaps when you approach someone, you have certain expectations of that person. Or, maybe these expectations are what hold you back from ever approaching anyone.

High Expectations/Low Results

Let me present to you an alternate scenario. Imagine that you have no expectations or goals when you enter into this dating/flirting arena. Instead, you just let things unfold. You don’t think about the future, a tense that we have no control over anyway. Instead, you are in that very moment. You are listening, you are aware, and you don’t try to control the other person’s thoughts, words, and actions. Instead, you just let things unfold as they were meant to. What would that be like? Do you think you would come away feeling disappointed?

Try starting each interaction without expectations and see what a difference it makes.

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Später Flirt (Harte Worte); Öl auf Leinwand; 9...Yes, that’s right, it’s Wednesday, which means it’s Flirtology humpday! Why? Because Wednesdays are boring…

If you are one of those people who think they are not good at flirting because of circumstances from your past, you need to get over it. I say this with good intention because it is only holding you back. Not to mention, your perceived excuses, have little to do with reality.  Soz, it’s true. Read more in my earlier post.  I’ll let you in on a little secret. Hardly anyone is flirting with ease. It’s just your perception that everyone else can do it, but you can’t.  Don’t worry, they weren’t handing out flirting skills the day you called in sick. *Sighs with relief* So, now what?

Think back to when you started learning an instrument, or a language, or a new sport. Were you an expert straight away? Did you go though an awkward period where you weren’t very good? Of course you did. However, if you stuck with it, you gradually improved. The same is true for any of the social requirements of flirting; approaching, talking to strangers, small talk, exiting. The only difference is when it comes to matters of the heart, we don’t think of it as a skill that we can improve upon, we feel we should just know how to do it. And, when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s very hard to stay objective and logical about the process; emotions, egos, and vulnerability always seems to enter into the equation. The trick is not to let it.

Do you feel awkward smiling and asking the cute girl at the gallery a question? Of course you do, it’s because you aren’t used to doing it! Did you feel awkward asking your French teacher a question in French, when you just started learning? Again, of course you did, because you weren’t used to doing it. With practice, any skill can be improved upon. Malcolm Gladwell posits anyone can become an expert in anything after putting in 10,000 hours of practice. Wanna’ be an expert flirt? Better get cracking then!

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Yes, that’s right, it’s Wednesday, which means it’s Flirtology humpday! Why? Because Wednesdays are boring…

I probably haven’t met you yet. But, if you are reading this blog, chances are you aren’t good at flirting because, ‘I went to an all girls school’ or ‘My father left when I was young’ or ‘I preferred reading when I was younger to playing with the other kids’ or ‘We moved a lot when I was growing up’ or ‘(Fill in the blank here). Do you get my point?

"Would you take offense if I had the gall...

As a Flirtologist, I am in the unique position to hear lots of peoples’ stories. Everyone thinks that they are not as good at flirting as everyone else. And, everyone thinks, everyone else, is having a much easier time than they are. Therefore, they fathom up reasons as to why. I have shared with you some of those reasons above, but the actual reason doesn’t even matter. What matters is that people hold onto these explanations to help defend themselves as to why they are not master flirts.

How’s this for another perspective? People who are good at flirting, meeting new people, quickly building rapport with strangers, and immune to rejection, are few and far between. They are the oddballs, not you! So, put away your stories/excuses/reasons as to what is holding you back from ‘being like everyone else’, because ‘everyone else’ is in your same position. So, if you accept this premise, then what should you do about improving? Don’t worry, I will tell you in the next post.

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Hey guys, this Wednesday, the Flirtology Hump Day post is a little different. The folks over at Readwave asked me to submit a short story, so I wrote this for them. It seems the community quite liked it and it became a trending article which meant it was moved to the home page. I hope you like it to and would welcome your feedback.

She is sitting across from me. She is pretty, smart, successful and dying to meet a man; perhaps it’s because she knows her clock is ticking, maybe it’s familial pressure, or maybe, just maybe, it is because she has been single for so long, that she believes her own fable that her life will be perfect, if only she had a partner.

I know her well, even though we have just met a few moments ago.  I am the flirt coach and she is not the first, or the last, woman who will be sitting in that same chair. I want to shake her and tell her so many things: ‘you don’t need a partner to start being happy. Start living your life now; don’t pass on the chore of your happiness to someone else.’ Or ‘If you think once you have a partner your problems are solved and you won’t be lonely anymore, you are crazy. You might not be lonely, but you will have a whole host of other things to have to contend with, trust me!’

Sometimes, I do say these things, but usually I wait until they get to know me better. I have to show my intent is from the heart and comes from a place of love before I can get so blunt. I am the flirt coach, after all, not an insensitive brute.

In our fast-paced, instantaneous society, we can get whatever we want, whenever we want. Isn’t that the line we’ve been sold? Perhaps this applies to dry-cleaning, but it certainly doesn’t to love. This is one area, where instant access, does not apply, at least not if you want to do it properly. And these ambitious, successful, beautiful women are finally faced with a problem they can’t solve. Some of them try and throw money at it by outsourcing any ‘effort’ required to introduction agencies. I have to explain that you can’t leave something like this to a group of strangers, and that meeting someone is not as simple as a financial transaction. At least not for the type of role they are looking to fill. Others while away what little free time they have, turning to a lonely screen, stuck in the confines of their empty flat.

The picture I paint is depressing, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It is simply the road we have been told to follow, paved in its cheap, sparkly, discounted glitter. What’s the other option? Don’t go down that road; take the other path. When they try and usher you down it, under the guise of ‘your best interest’ and ‘everyone else is doing it’. Run, don’t walk, over to my path. It’s the path where you don’t need a partner to be happy, because your happiness and having a partner, are not mutually exclusive. Besides, another person is not responsible for your happiness; you are! Don’t mistake my words; I believe it is fine to have a partner, as long as you don’t put your life on hold until he comes around, and as long as you want a partner for the right reasons. A man is not a band-aid for your self-inflicted wounds that have never quite healed. He won’t fix everything just by his chromosomal presence. Although, you might want to check in advance if he is any good with a hammer.

So, when she sits across from me, already halfway down the cheap glitter road, although the glitter in her eyes is unmistakably absent, I urge her to try an alternate path, one where you can be happy, regardless of your co-habitation situation. As long as you know that you are the only one you need, you are the only one who can bring yourself happiness, than you are fine, whether you are single or coupled. True, most people won’t try this path; it’s just too different. It doesn’t have sparkles, and none of their friends are on it. But, take it from the flirt coach, it’s the path you want to be on. (And it has unlimited Haagen Daz, but don’t spread that around!)

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The Flirtation

Hey followers! I have just realised that you all like to scour for flirting info on Wednesdays, why not? After all, ‘hump days’ are the most boring day of the week. Therefore, I pledge to bring you interesting and relevant flirting info, via Flirtology Hump days, every Wednesday, from here on out. Keep your questions coming; I am here to serve!


Whilst researching the flirting behaviour of 250 single people in the cities of London, N.Y., Paris and Stockholm, I discovered there were 6 signs indicating when someone was attracted to another. I am revealing these 6 signs in the next series of blog posts, today’s blog is about attention

In my research, people said they were able to gauge how much attention they were getting as a sign of someone’s interest. This was especially helpful when flirting was done in groups, like it often was in London. They said they could tell they were being flirted with, if they ‘were the ones being told the story’ when in comparison to the rest of the group. Oh yes, London is the land of un-obvious flirting, so any little extra bit of information helps. In regards to attention, people said they could also tell if the person ignores their friends and gives them all the attention, or keeps coming back and forth between them and the group they came with.

This might seem like an obvious one, but when it comes to matters of the heart, it is really hard to be objective. This is why it might be useful to engage the help of a switched on friend.

If this was interesting to you, you might want to check out the signs of attraction in my new book: The Flirt Interpreter: Flirting Signs from Around the World.

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Another blog follower has asked the question: ‘Why can’t men give up internet dating even though they want to be ‘exclusive’ with you?’

It’s because they can. There are a couple important factors here:

1) Online dating makes people punch above their weight

Internet Dating SuperstudsIf you were average looking, with an average job, would you in ‘real life’ go for the super successful hottie? Probably not. Well, you would on an internet dating site. It turns out that online daters most often pursue those of a high desirability, rather than those matching their own desirability. (Lee, Lowenstein, Ariely, young 2008) Hey, why not? Rejection from a screen does not sting as much as face to face.

2) Loads of women are all going for the same guy

Everyone is assuming that the same (and limited) characteristics are the most desirable, namely height, income, and age and these traits. Because these traits quantitative, rather than qualitative, it means you’ve got a large percentage of women, competing for a small percentage of men. Why would they give up all this sugar-coated goodness for just one woman when they can have the whole candy store? Mind you, this is to an extent that they would never experience in the ‘real world’.

Just stop wasting your time. Dating is about playing to your advantages and if you are a fabulous, successful woman in your 30’s, the internet dating gods are against you, which leaves you setting yourself up for rejection. It’s like men going to nightclubs. Unless you are tall and handsome, the odds are not in your favour at these establishments. Witty, clever, funny guys, will not succeed at nightclubs. How can they? The lights are low and the music is loud. Finally, think back to who is actually online dating. Sure, obviously, there has to be a few that could be a good potential partners for you. But, none of my past boyfriends, my friend’s partners, my husband, or any of my male friends (nor myself) have ever done online dating. And, these are the kind of people, I assume, are the ones you’d like to meet? (Not being presumptuous, but you see my point)

Ah, petals. Put down the mouse, pick up the phone, call your girlfriends, and have some fun! I might even join you if you go out somewhere in Central London. In the meantime, if you live in London, why don’t you come to the free event that I’ve planned for my community tomorrow night? Real life, is the best way to real men. Details on Flirtology.co.uk

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No, it’s not; it sucks. Hey, I might be opinionated, but at least I am consistent. I have written in the past how manufactured ways for singles to meet is not ideal. Online dating objectifies people in order to simplify profiling. It forces us to put people into boxes, boxes that aren’t even important when looking for a good partner. We can only measure things such as height, income, and  other variables that can be quantified. In the process, it leaves out the most important characteristics such as generosity, kindness, curiosity, sparkle in eyes, and humour, because these traits can’t be measured in cyberspace.

And, if you think you are too busy to date, so you use the internet as a ‘time saver’, a sample of users reported they spent an average of twelve hours a week browsing profiles and responding to messages, which resulted in a mere 1.8 hours of face to face interaction (Frost, 2008) That is time which could be spent reading, exercising, or catching up real people, in the real world.

Then there is the cry, ‘But my neighbour/best friend/uncle’s donkey met their partner online! So it must work!’ This, my friends, is purely down to sample size. If you have thousands (if not millions) of people Internet dating, there will be some people who find each other. Just like if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick. Not to say, my dear readers, that you are mud! Au contraire; you are fabulous, which is why I don’t want you to torture yourself by internet dating. Look, if you’re happy to go on 100 dates with complete strangers, please go ahead. Anything you put enough time and effort into, you will achieve. Just forget about ever having another bubble bath again, you won’t have time.

Still not convinced? Jeesh, you are a tough cookie. Q: Who are these people that you are meeting? A: They are complete strangers, linked to no one. You have no mutual connections, nor has anyone passed the V-4’ed test (Vouched for by  someone you know). Because they are strangers, you do not have to give them the benefit of the doubt. Your ex-flatmate, Susan, is not there to tell you that ‘Jon is a really nice guy, but a bit shy at first’. It takes time to get to know someone (It took me a year and a half to get to know my husband! Then again, he is one of the ‘slow burning’ Englishman which I will write about in the next post, I promise!) And, since y’all are obsessed with using chemistry as the most important indicator as to whether a relationship will succeed (see what I’ve said about this in the past) it’s easy to immediately eliminate someone after the first meeting due to lack of chemistry.

Do activities you love, enjoy life, be open, come on my flirting and walking tours if you are London based; don’t be so focused on this. The right person will come when you are ready, not when you *think* you are ready. My new favourite quote is, ‘With the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains’ In my next post, I will be answering a reader’s question, ‘Why can’t men give up internet dating even though they want to be “exclusive” with you?’

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In a dating world, which still clings tightly to tradition, the men of England get a bad rap. After all, if you are expected to take on the roles of approaching and asking, and you don’t, it’s no surprise if you have a lot of disgruntled females on your hands! I have written in the past about the benefits of taking the proactive role, whether you are male or female. Therefore, since I already posit that you shouldn’t sit back and wait for things to happen (in any area of life!) I don’t really see what the problem is. Because ladies, the men of England want you to have a much bigger part in this process. Is it because they are shy? Probably. Is it also because they believe in gender equality? Yes. In these instances, we are the ones putting everyone in boxes, and chaining them to gender-specific roles. Why are we still entertaining silly expectations linked to biology (to everyone’s great expense)?

English: Syracuse postcard - 1913

In Paris, a woman’s only role in flirting is to look coy and demure.  She would be looked upon with suspicion if she were to take any active part in the flirting ritual. London plays by different rules. Instead of being frustrated when a cute, English boy looks at you shyly, but never actually comes up to you, take it as a sign for you to make a move! I have done the research; I spoke with a large sample size of these baffling specimens in face-to-face interviews. Trust me, they like it!

In my research into the flirting in the cities of London, Paris, N.Y. and Stockholm, the greatest disconnect that I found was this aspect in London flirting. The women don’t think that men like aggressive women, and the men say they want women to be more proactive when it comes to flirting. I think part of the problem is the word ‘aggressive’. No, they wouldn’t like it if you came up to them, full on sitting on their laps, ‘hey baby, do you like mamma’s shake?’ (Save that for the New Yorkers). However, there is a huuuuuuuge spectrum between you strolling over and saying, ‘Is it always this busy in here’?  or, by contrast, doing some of your best stripper moves against his chair. Starting a conversation with a man does not mean that you are a trollop, moreover, it is what they want you to do. Read another blog post here.

Still not convinced? Read an earlier blog about whomever does the choosing, will be happiest with the results. It is in everyone’s best interest, male or female, to be the proactive one.

In the next blog, I’ll discuss a question asked by one of my blog follower’s, asking why Englishmen are slow burners. Thanks, Ravish!

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Here it is, the £2,000,000 question: where are all the single guys? I have strongly urged you to realise that they are not at singles’ parties or participating in online dating. They are not booking tickets, to anything, two weeks in advance; they are not making special efforts to be where other single people are (unless it’s very early in the morning on a Sunday and there is lots of alcohol involved). So, where are they? The answer isn’t anything very mystical; they are just going about their everyday lives. As someone who has been running singles events for the past decade, I can assure you that men do not tend to book events in advance. It’s more like waking up and thinking, ‘I wonder what I’ll do today?’. And, most men are completely turned off by the idea of being at event that is obviously for ‘singles’. So, again you ask, ‘where are they?’ If going about their everyday business is not specific enough, then how about: they are hanging out with their friends, they are playing sports, they are doing whatever they feel like. This is, by the way, exactly what the women should be doing. Live your lives now: don’t wait until you find a partner to start living. The boys aren’t.

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